What is a Reflection ID?
A Reflection on the IRIS Connect platform is made up of a video, or videos, and any supporting resources that are attached to it.
With each Reflection created, an identification number will be assigned to it. This ID will be useful most importantly for support reasons. If you require technical support, you'll likely be asked to supply this ID so that the support team can quickly investigate the issue you report.
To contact technical support visit this link.
Finding your Reflection ID
You will you be able to locate the Reflection ID in various places. The options are listed below:
Reflection Library Page
Ensure you are on your Reflections tab in your navigation panel.
Then, click the three horizontal line icon on the Reflection you wish to identify.
Then, click the Info button.
Click 'Advanced Details' on the top of the pop up and you'll find the Reflection ID here, as shown below.
Reflection Review Page
Ensure you are on your Reflections tab in your navigation panel.
Then, click the Review icon on the Reflection you wish to identify.
Once you're on the review page, you'll click the Details button below your reflection.
The 'Reflection Details' will then pop up and you'll find the number under Reflection ID.
Record App
To locate your Reflection ID using the Record app, click the cloud icon on the home screen.
Then, click on the reflection you wish to identify.
Your Reflection ID will be listed here.
*NOTE: When creating a dual reflection, you will only be able to view the Reflection ID on the primary device, not secondary.
Platform App
You may also locate your Reflection ID on the IRIS Connect platform app. Once you've opened the application, click the Reflections tab.
You'll then click the three horizontal line icon on the reflection in which you'd like to identify.
Then, click the Info button.
Lastly, click the 'Advanced Details' button and you'll be able to view the Reflection ID.