For guides on creating and adding an insight to a reflection, please see this article.
IRIS Connect offers two types of insights, standard and AI insights. Our standard insights require human response while AI insights responses are generated by Artificial Intelligence. More information on using AI Insights, please see this article.
Below covers the type of questions that can be used by creating either Insight.
Creating an Insight
Insights can be used when added to a reflection. You can use your own insight or another users' insight that they have added to the reflection.
From the reflection review page, attached insights are found under the Insights tab next to the comments tab. Click on the insights you'd like to use and select the question you want to answer.
Contents of an Insight:
1. Padlock - shows privacy settings and delete. See Response Privacy for more information.
2. This shows the number of responses and from how many users.
3. This shows the users and their responses.
4. Shows auto-generated charts. See here.
5. Answer options.
Answering Questions
Text Question
Click in the text box and write your response. To submit and tag your response at the relevant point in the video, click where in the video you'd like to start, then click Start Timestamp. Then choose where to stop the video and hit Stop. Then click the tick. Your response will now be added to the list.
Multiple Choice
Select the appropriate answer from the options provided. To submit your selection and tag your response to the relevant point in the video, click Start Timestamp, then click the appropriate points to start and end at, and then click the tick. Your response will now be added to the list.
Rating Scale
Use the sliding scale to select your response. To submit your selection and tag your response to the relevant point in the video, click Start Timestamp, then click the appropriate points to start and end at, and then click the tick. Your response will now be added to the list.
As the video plays, use the + button to add one or multiple counts. Once the video has finished and you have finished counting, click the submit button and your responses will be added to the list. You can continue to count and click submit as many times as you want throughout the video.
As the video plays, use the start button to start the timer. Use the same button to stop the timer. You can start and stop the timer as many times as necessary throughout the video. Once the video has finished, click the submit button and your responses will be added to the list.
Deleting a response
Hover over your answers to reveal the 3 dots. Click the dots to see the delete option.
You are only able to delete your own answers.
Response Privacy
Depending on the Privacy settings that are set on the insight.
If you are the Insight owner, you are able to set the response privacy.
Visible - Anyone who has access to the reflection will be able to see your responses. This includes via access to the reflection via a group. If you wish for some users to see the responses and not others, then cloning the reflection and sharing the different versions to the different groups can solve this.
Hidden - The insight owner is able to see all the responses but others users can only see their own.
When non insight-owners click on the padlock icon they will be shown the below depending on the privacy setting:
By clicking on the graph icon you are able to general charts based on the responses to the question
Using the drop-down menu you can toggle the chart results between all users' answers and just one user.
Pie Chart