How to Buy Credits
To use the AI Insights feature your organisation will need to purchase credits.
Credits can be bought and managed through the AI Billing option under the Admin console.
There are 2 options for buying credits:
1) Pay as you go
2) Subscription
To buy credits click the Add AI Credits+ button and complete the form (shown below)
AI Insight Costs
You spend the credits when transcribing or analysing a video. The costs break down as follows:
1 AI credit = £1 / €1.25 (NL & FR) / 14kr (DK) / $1.25 (US) / $2.25 (AU)
1 AI transcription = 2 credits - this step is needed before a video can be analysed
1 AI analysis = 1 credit
For example, if you need both transcription and analysis for a lesson, it would cost a total of 3 credits.
Lessons that have been previously transcribed require only 1 credit for AI analysis.
Credit Balance
Admin users can see their organisation's credit level via the admin console.
Credits remaining - this shows the remaining credits to be used within the calendar week. These credits expire every Sunday at 23:59
Weekly credits - this shows the weekly credit allowance that is allocated to your organisation each week
Plan ends - shows the date your credit subscription ends
Pay As You Go - shows any PAYG credits you have
INFO: Left over credits will not rollover
On a weekly credits plan any unspent credits will not roll over to the next week's balance but will be reset to 0. For example, if you have a weekly credit allowance of 100 credits, even if you have remaining credits, you will start the following week with 100 credits.
Purchase and Usage History
Under Billing History of the AI Billing section of the Admin Console, you can see:
1) Individual debits (usage) of credits displayed by date and used by which user
2) Additions of credits to your account (either as part of your weekly plan or PAYG)