This guide gives an overview of the actions that a Group Administrator can perform to manage a Group within the platform.
To find out more about what a Group is, or how to create a group, please click the links to access those guides.
As the creator of a “Group” you are designated as a Group Administrator and are responsible for managing the Group and adhering to the Group Administrator Agreement.
Contents of this article:
- Group Administration
- Management of Users
- Group Types
- Members
- Privacy
- Notifications
- News
- Delete group
This article does not cover adding and editing content of a group, which can only be done as a Group Administrator. Please see here for the guide to group content.
Group Administration
When you create a group then you will automatically be the administrator of that Group.
- Manage who can access the Group
- Manage who can contribute content
- The ability to create and populate pages
Group Administrator Agreement
When you first create the group you will be presented with a Group Administrator Agreement on the member page. A copy of this can be found here.
You will need to accept this agreement to continue.
Group Information
1. Group Name
Please note the Group name needs to be unique. If you enter a name that is already taken you will see an error message and need to select a different one.
2. Description
3. Code of Conduct
Management of Users
Group Types
All Groups start out as a Local Group, which means that you can share them with anyone inside of your organisation with no approval needed.
Local Groups:
Local Groups are restricted to members from within your own Organization.
Community Groups:
Community Groups allow you to invite members from multiple Organizations.
1. Set the Default Join Role
2. Add Members
3. Search
Default Join Role
Before adding users you first need to check the default join role is as desired. By default, this will be set to Standard, meaning new members will only have the ability to view the group, not share or manage it. By changing the default join role, new users of the group will automatically inherit this role. The three options, Standard, Contributor, and Admin are explained in the below image and in the 'Member Roles' section of this article.
Adding Members - Local Group
To share your group, visit the Members tab in the Admin panel of your group.
Then, click the Add Members + button in the top right of the page.
You will then see a search box, type in the name of the person you want to add and select their account from the list.
A list of your Group's members will then appear as they are added.
Alternatively, you can click the Add Organisation button if you want to add all users from your Organisation to your group.
If you have a large number of users in your group, you may use the search feature to filter the members list. You can then see what role that user has, change their role, and remove them from the group.
Message Admins
Users have this option
Which provides them an option to contact the admins of the Group
Adding Members - Community Group
To share your Group with another organisation, or members of IRIS Connect outside your own organisation, it must be upgraded to a Community Group.
The Collaboration section of the Admin Panel will show you the current status of your Group, and contains a button to request to upgrade your Group to a Community Group.
Note, if you are an organisation administrator the the upgrade request is automatically approved so the following step is not needed to be completed.
This is how the request will look:
The request will be sent to your organisation admin and will appear in the Group Permissions section of their main Admin Settings.
When the request is approved, your Group will become a Collaboration Group.
Once your Group is a Collaboration Group, go to the Members tab in the groups Admin Panel.
Click the Add Member + button to view a set of links that you can copy and send to members of other organisations via email to invite a single user or the entire organisation to join your Group. Only an organisation admin can accept an organisation invitation.
You can use the Regenerate Signup Links button to disable all existing links and generate a new set.
Join Requests
Once they have clicked the link they will get a confirmation box where they can confirm the join request.
Once they have confirmed, the request must be confirmed by you in the Groups Admin Panel (This prevents unauthorised people from gaining access to your Group.)
Removing Members
To remove a member from your Group, go to the Members tab.
In the list of members, each member has a red x to the right of their name, click this to remove the user from the group.
If a member is removed from a Group, all video content and attachments which they have added will no longer be viewable. If the member is reinstated, the content will become viewable again.
You can see you are not able to remove yourself from the group.
Downgrading Members
If you downgrade a member from Admin or Contributor to Standard, any reflections they have shared with the group will remain shared to the group but they will no longer be able to share any more content. They will still be able to unshare that content in the usual way.
Member Roles
There are 3 types of member roles that can be changed from the Members section of the Admin Panel.
Standard: This member can view content in the Group. They cannot add content, edit the Group or manage users.
Contributor: This member can view content and share reflections to the Group. They cannot add any other content, edit the Group or manage users.
Admin: This member can view content, add content and share reflections to the Group. They can manage all other aspects of the Group including creating and editing pages as well as user management.
When a user is made a contributor or admin, if their organisation hasn't yet been approved to share content, a request will be sent to their Organisation Administrator. This request will need to be approved before a contributor or admin can share to the group.
For local groups, the organisation will already be approved if you are adding users from other organisations to a community group.
For local groups, you can set the Privacy level of the group which sets whether users are able to add themselves to it, request to join, or can only be added/invited by an admin.
Community groups have their privacy settings locked to Private. You can add members as described in the section above.
You are able to change the level of notifications that are sent via the group.
Email notifications can also be controlled under the user's account settings via Account > Email Settings.
A separate article covers group news. Please see here.
Delete group
As an administrator you are able to completely delete the group.
You do that by selecting Delete this group from the admin panel.
A confirmation box is displayed which explains that what data will be deleted.
The group name must be entered to delete the group.