INFO: This guide is for Organisation Administrators
Contents of this article:
What are Programmes?
Programmes are courses provided by third-party education providers (such as the Education Development Trust or Teach First) that utilise IRIS Connect to enable video professional development components to their courses.
Access to IRIS Connect is provided to the course members/trainees as part of their enrollment on the course. They will then be able to use their account to record, review and share their recordings to achieve their course aims and objectives.
This video explains this further:
What do I need to do?
Some Programme Providers will have included agreeing to the below steps in their agreement that you will have signed with them so the use of IRIS Connect will be pre-permissions and won't require these steps. If you have been nominated to be the administrator for your organisation all you will need to do is activate your IRIS Connect account when you receive it and complete the Organisation Administrator responsibilities.
If the Programme Provider has not included all the necessary sections in their agreement, then the following sections explain what you will need to do to approve the use of IRIS Connect.
If you do not yet have an IRIS Connect account:
You will receive an email with a link to create yourself and your Organisation IRIS Connect accounts. This link is specific to your invitation so if you are not the correct person to complete the sign-up and authorisation process described below, then please get in contact to let us know, rather than forwarding on the email.
Example of the email you will receive:
The Get Started button takes you to this screen,
once you click Continue you can create yourself and your organisation an account.
You are then able to complete the steps described below.
If you are already an IRIS Connect Administrator:
An administrator from your Organisation need to agree to two things:
1) Approve your Organisation's participation in the Programme
You can do this via the Programmes tab on the Admin Settings page.
2) Confirm the users who are on the Programme
Once you have confirmed participation in the Programme, you will then see the list of users in the Programme. If the user already has an IRIS Connect account then it will associate their account to their Programme invitation. Otherwise, it will create them an account and add that account to the Programme.
If there is a user on the list that you shouldn't be on the programme, you can reject them. If you are unsure please use the live chat feature to discuss with our support team.
You can review what Programmes and users have been approved by returning to the Programmes tab/to action any outstanding actions.
More Information
If you have a question about the Programme such as a query about who the recordings will be shared with, how long the Programme lasts or if there is a member of staff missing from the user invite list please contact the Programme provider in the first instance.