When you open the Record app for the first time, you will be prompted to run a System Check to ensure that all relevant settings have been enabled and the app can connect to the internet.
Tap the Test button and then tap Allow on any pop-up messages that will appear on your screen.
When the app has finished performing the checks, all fields should show green ticks. You might have to scroll down to see all the tests.
Tap Done which will take you to the main dashboard.
The checks fall into two categories:
12) Show Notifications (iOS only)
You can run the System Check any time by going to Menu (button with 3 lines on the top right) > System Check. This can be very handy for troubleshooting some common issues.
How to Run the System Check
System Checks: Required
1) Latest Version
Need to check if your app is up to date.
To install the latest version:
iOS: Visit the App Store on your device, click Updates and select Update for the Record app. You may need to pull down to refresh the Updates list on the App Store to see the latest updates.
For iOS devices, we recommend turning on automatic updates - Settings, App Store, App Updates.
Android: Go to the Play Store on your device, click your avatar, then Manage apps and device, then Updates available and find the Record app.
2) Camera Permission
Needed so the app can record from your camera.
iOS: To enable camera access, go to Settings, Privacy, Camera and enable for the Record app.
Android: To enable camera access go to Settings, Apps, find the Record app/ Permissions and allow camera permissions.
3) Microphone Permission
Needed so the app can record from your microphone.
iOS: To enable microphone access go to Settings, Privacy, Microphone and enable for the Record app.
Android: To enable microphone access go to Settings, Apps, find the Record app/ Permissions and allow microphone permissions.
4) IRIS Connect Server
Needed to validate your account when logging in and uploading recordings.
Whitelist https://app.irisconnect.com &
- EU - https://eu.atlas.irisconnect.com
- US - https://us.atlas.irisconnect.com
- OCE - https://au.atlas.irisconnect.com
Full URLs can be found here.
5) Internet Connection
Required for first-time login, uploading, and updating the app. Checks the app can access Google.
Go to Settings, Wi-Fi and check you are connected to a network. Check proxy settings are correct if needed. Launch a web browser and check you can access www.google.com.
6) Time and Date
Needed to check that the app can connect to the Google time server as file uploads and updating the app can be affected if the time and date are incorrect.
Whitelist time.google.com on your internet filtering or manually set the time and date:
iOS: On the device go to Settings, General, Date and Time.
Android: will vary depending on the device.
7) Amazon S3 Upload
Needed to upload your recordings and downloading user avatars.
- EU - Whitelist https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com & https://eu-hermes-discovery-kit.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com on your internet filtering
- US - Whitelist https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com & https://us-hermes-discovery-kit.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com on your internet filtering
- OCEANIA - Whitelist https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com & https://us-hermes-discovery-kit.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com on your internet filtering
8) Bluetooth Connection
Needed to check that you have Bluetooth turned on. Needed to allow pairing to peripheral Bluetooth microphones.
iOS: To enable Bluetooth, go to Settings, Bluetooth and enable.
Android: To enable Bluetooth, go to Settings, Bluetooth and enable.
System Checks: Optional
9) Bluetooth Permission
Optional - Needed for dual recordings.
This permission is to allow Bluetooth Low Energy pairing, which is used when connecting another device in camera mode (to do dual view recordings), or in microphone mode to pair an iOS microphone (DK7 only).
iOS: To enable Bluetooth Permission, go to Settings, scroll down to the Record app, and ensure Bluetooth permission is switched on.
Android: To enable Bluetooth Permission, go to Settings, go to the Record app settings and ensure Nearby devices permission is switched on (this setting will only be on devices running Android 12 and higher).
10) Access Library Permission
Android <10 Only
Needed only on Android 7 - 9 to be able to record, and to use the save to gallery feature if having upload issues. For Android 10+ this permission is not required.
Required to access locally saved files when using the manual upload feature and to use the save to gallery feature if having upload issues.
11) Remote Support
Optional - Used by the IRIS Connect support team to connect to your device to provide you with assistance.
Whitelist https://support.irisconnect.com on your internet filtering if the test is failing.
12) Show Notifications (iOS only)
Optional - This is used to provide notifications when using the mic mode feature (only in Discovery Kit 6 & 7).
iOS: To enable notifications go to Settings, Notifications, IRIS Connect and then Allow Notifications.
13) Iridium Server (iOS only)
Optional - Needed to use the Go Live feature.
Whitelist https://iridium.irisconnect.com & https://iridium.irisconnect.com:443 on your internet filtering if the test is failing.
14) Coturn Server (iOS only)
Optional - Needed to use the Go Live feature.
Whitelist http://coturn.irisconnect.com:80 & https://coturn.irisconnect.com:443 on your internet filtering if the test is failing.