INFO: This guide is for Organisation Administrators
This guide will tell you how to create, manage and assign tags to user accounts.
Content of this article:
What Are Tags and Why Are They Useful?
Creating, Editing, and Deleting Tags
What Are Tags and Why Are They Useful?
Tags are a way to label or categorise users to help with managing user accounts. For example, you could tag staff in a particular department, and then filter by that tag.
You can then use tags to perform bulk actions such as deactivating all users who are tagged as, for example, "temporary" staff.
Creating, Editing, and Deleting Tags
You are able to create bespoke tags by clicking the Create Tag button.
Tags can be edited or deleted using the Options drop down menu.
Using Tags
Tagging Users/Removing Tags
Once created, tags can then be assigned to a user when first created or by selecting the edit option on the Users page and then adding Tags.
An account can have multiple tags assigned to it.
Filtering by Tag
To filter by a tag, use the tag drop-down menu at the top, to make your selection.
To remove a tag from the filter click the 'x' on the individual tag.