This article will show you how to edit reflection title from your Reflections library. The library is accessed via your personal account on the IRIS Connect platform and will display all the Reflections that you have created or that have been shared with you.
Contents of this article:
TIP: Brand new to IRIS Connect? Try this platform tutorial instead.
We recommend completing the 'Reflection Tools' tutorial in the platform 'Can We Help?' side bar. This will guide you through all the basics of using a Reflection.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Access your Reflections library
Use the navigation pane at the left of your platform page to navigate to your personal Reflections library.
Select the Reflection you wish to access
From your Reflections library, identify the Reflection you would like to use. If you have many pages of Reflections, you may find the filter tools on the left-hand side are useful.
Edit your Reflection
Select to bring the options menu, then click on Info.
Here you can edit the reflection Title, Details, and also Room info. Save the changes by selecting Update Reflection.