INFO: Feature Support
These options are only available on dual reflections that you own and that:
- Haven't been edited
- Both parts are uploaded
- Are less than 1 month old
If the video doesn't support this feature you will see this message.

If you have recorded a dual reflection, there are some additional reviewing settings available.
Example of a dual reflection:
These options will allow you to either:
- Watch just one side of the dual recording. Click the relevant arrow buttons, and a video is added to the reflection playlist containing just the left or right side.
- Swap the sides of reflection so that the left video is now the right and vice versa, this can be done by clicking the icon with the two arrows pointing both ways.
Converting a Dual Reflection to a Single
If only one part of the dual recording has uploaded, the video player will show as below and you'll only be able to watch the uploaded part.
To check the status of the missing part, check the recording device for the upload status of the file. Once the file has successfully uploaded, the dual view video will be able to watch back.
Example of only one side of the video uploading:
Banner above the reflection preview reads:
If you're unable to load the missing part of the dual reflection, you can convert this reflection into a single. To do this, click "Remove right part." If the left side of the video didn't upload, it will read "Remove left part" instead. You will then see the below pop up.