This article aims to provide all the information a programme provider needs when launching and running a programme through IRIS Connect.
Contents of this article:
- What are Programmes?
- Why use Programmes?
- Roles
- Cohorts
- Hardware
- Organisational Sign off
- Contracts
- Limbo Organisation
- Programmes Administration (Admin Console)
- Sharing (Related Users)
- Communications to Organisations (Auth contacts)
- Communications to Users (Programme Participants)
- Training
- Measuring success (stats)
What are Programmes?
Programmes is the feature provided through the IRIS Connect system to mass-manage the permissioning, account creation and account management of the users on your course or programme that you are running.
As a provider you can setup as many Programmes as you need, within which you can set Cohorts and within those you can set Roles and then specific access and features to those roles.
Provider -> Programmes -> Cohort -> Roles -> Access and features
Why use Programmes?
Through the admin console, you are able to
- Set different roles within the Programme
- Set which members can share with each other
- Control if anonymisation filter is enforced
- Set if custom branding is applied to the web platform
- Set which IRIS Connect groups members are added to
Access to our system can be provided through SSO integration. Please contact us for more information.
We are able to use our API to receive user data from you, making data transfer and updating easy and secure. Please contact us for more information.
On a Programme, typically there will be members who are adopting different roles. For example, you may have:
- Student/Trainee
- Mentor/Tutor
- Supervisor/Moderator
You can have as many roles as you need.
Each role can have specific settings attributed to it.
Anonymisation Mode
See here for information about the Anonymisation mode feature.
Copy and Transfer
See here for information about the replication feature - Copy and Transfer Reflection
Licences (Standard & Basic)
See here for information about licence types/user levels
If there is a particular feature that you need please speak to your consultant who can advise if it is possible to provide this.
Users can be segregated into different cohorts. This would typically be done to make the managing of different intakes of users onto the programme easy. You could decide to attribute different settings to different cohorts.
IRIS Connect is able to provide large volumes of our Discovery or Starter Kits. We have found that Programmes that opt to purchase our hardware have a higher engagement rate.
We are able to manage Android tablets through our Mobile Device Management system (MDM), streamlining the process of configuring the tablets with our Record and Platform apps as well as managing the updates of the apps.
Organisational Sign-off
It's important that the organisations where your users are based have provided permission for their users to use the IRIS Connect system (specifically recording and sharing).
There are several different ways that you can obtain this permission:
1) Invitations
This process involves:
- Collecting the information of an 'authorisation contact'
- Via the Programmes' admin console send them an email with an invitation
- The authorisation contact follows the link in the email and either approves or rejects the invitation
- If the invitation is approved the organisation is enrolled on the programme and users' accounts are either added to the programme (if they already exist) or created.
This process is covered step by step here.
2) Via an off-platform agreement. We recommend you include the following section:
You agree to:
1) the IRIS Connect Organisation Administrator and Data Processing Agreement
2) your organisation enrolling on the [name of programme] which includes nominated users receiving an IRIS Connect account which provides them access to the IRIS Connect system. Users will be able to record and share with their tutors and mentors via the IRIS Connect platform
3) IRIS Connect creating you (and your nominated administrator if provided) account/s to perform the administrative responsibilities as outlined in the IRIS Connect Organisation Administrator and Data Processing Agreement (Clauses 3 & 4)
4) to validate your IRIS Connect administrator account - you will receive an email from IRIS Connect to complete this
Once you have notified us of the necessary permission, we can enrol the organisation on the Programme and the users' accounts are either added to the Programme (if they already exist) or created.
If you don't already have a data sharing agreement or data processing agreement with the organisation that will be taking part on the Programme, please see our example template below.
Provider to School - IRIS Connect Data Processing/Sharing Agreement Template
Limbo Organisation
If there is time pressure to get your programme up and running and the users recording themselves, we are able to create the users' accounts in advance of the organisation's signing off the use of IRIS Connect.
We do this through the use of our 'limbo organisation'. Any user accounts within this 'organisation' can have the anonymisation feature enforced to provide an additional layer of data protection.
Sharing between users within this organisation can also be disabled so users are only able to share with their 'related users'.
Programmes Administration (Admin Console)
The management of the users on the Programme can be done by our Technical Support team or we can also provide you access to the admin console.
Via this console, if you are using the invitation feature you are able to manage;
- Sending of Programme invitations
- See which organisations have authorised membership to the Programme
Sharing (Related Users)
As standard, users can only share with other members of their organisation. However, most programmes incorporate a component of between-organisational sharing, such as sharing to university-based tutors.
Through Programmes, you are able to specify who each user is able to share to. This data can be sent via CSV or API.
Communications to Organisations (Auth contacts)
What to Communicate
- Rationale and objectives of the Programme
- Who is involved (what organisations and what roles)
- Dates (start and end date)
- What data is being collected
- Who owns the data (the school/provider or joint data controllers)
- How long the data will be stored for
- The legal basis the data is being collected under
(The data sharing template covers these points above but would probably sit well with an accompanying document outlining these).
- What is IRIS Connect
- How it is going to be used
- Security and privacy measures enabled by the system
- What actions they need to do, such as:
- Provide authorisation
- Provide details of a suitable administrator (full name and email address)
- Provide details of trainees/mentors etc
- Review their internal documentation and processes to ensure they are meeting their local legal frameworks (such as GDPR)
- Notify parents (if relevant) of the use of IRIS Connect
This article should help organisations understand what they need to do.
Communications to Users (Programme Participants)
What to Communicate
- Details of the programme (see points above)
- What they need to do
- Look out for their IRIS Connect credentials (via email if not using SSO)
- Request/locate suitable device for recording
- Who to contact if they have any questions
- Where to find training materials
- What they need to record
- By when
- How many times
- Who to share it to
Additionally, this article should help users get an introduction to using IRIS Connect
- Support Hub
- IRIS Connect webinars
- Bespoke training sessions can be provided - please speak to your consultant
Measuring Success (stats)
We are able to provide usage data to assist you to evaluate usage - please speak to your consultant for a template of this report.
Programme invites
To associate an existing platform account with the programme or create a new one, a programme invite needs to be set up for each participating user. Below is attached a sample CSV file with a table of briefed explanations of each field and its requirements.
Field | Type | Description |
First name/s of the user | ||
Last name/s of the user | ||
Email address of the user | ||
Cohort |
Users can be segregated into different cohorts. This would typically be done to make the managing of different intakes of users onto the programme easy. You could decide to attribute different settings to different cohorts. |
Role |
On a Programme, typically there will be members who are adopting different roles. For example, you may have:
You can have as many roles as you need. Each role can have specific settings attributed to it. |
As standard, users can only share with other members of their organisation. However, most programmes incorporate a component of between-organisational sharing, such as sharing to university-based tutors. Through Programmes, you are able to specify who each user is able to share to. This data can be sent via CSV or API. |
Postcode |
Last name of the appointed IRIS Connect admin (Auth Contact) for the organization | ||
Email address of the appointed IRIS Connect admin (Auth Contact) for the organization | ||