Links to the download feature authorisation form
Follow the relevant link below. You will need to login into your IRIS Connect account:
Please make sure to read the information relating to the downloading before submitting a form to ensure you are aware of any potential risks and the alternatives.
PLEASE NOTE The download autorisation form must be completed by an Organisation Administrator
Permission from an administrator is required because enabling this features changes the default key aspect of the IRIS Connect system regarding data security and control.
How to Download
After the request form has been completed by an admin and the feature has been enabled for your organisation, you can download one of your video clips by clicking on the function cog next to the video player and selecting Download.
There is a functioning cog for each video clip inside the reflection.
Clicking the cog will show a drop-down menu. Click Download.
Admin Approval
Under the Admin Setting, Group Permissions you can also see the requests.
Once approved by the admin, the user who requested the download will see a notification on their home screen and will also receive an email with a download link.
Please note that the download link will expire 24 hours after the admin approval. If the user will not download their reflection within this time frame, they will need to send a new download request to the administrator.
Downloading Audio Files/Call Recordings
When downloading an audio file/ Call Recording, we recommend using Google Chrome as other browsers may not be supported.
If after clicking the download button, your browser opens and automatically plays the file in a new browser tab, just click the three dots on the playback and select Download.
Edge Browser: right-click the playback bar on the mp3 and select Save.